What Is OSA?
Understanding OSA
Symptoms of Apnea (00:27)
Dr. Lawrence J. Epstein explains the three classic features of obstructive sleep apnea.
Risk Factors
Risk Factors & Age (00:37)
Dr. Atul Malhotra discusses risk factors of apnea and how they vary with age.
Living with OSA
How Does OSA Affect Me
How Does OSA Affect Me (03:52)
Health Consequences
Apnea's Consequences (00:36)
Dr. Stuart Quan explains the serious consequences of untreated obstructive sleep apnea.
Apnea & Heart Disease (00:29)
Dr. Susan Redline describes how each apnea can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.
Personal & Societal Consequences
Getting to the Doctor (01:03)
Dr. Geoffrey S. Gilmartin explains what leads people to seek treatment for obstructive sleep apnea.
Diagnosing OSA
Getting a Diagnosis
Getting a Diagnosis (03:58)
Treating OSA
Treating OSA
Treating OSA (04:09)
Nonsurgical Treatments
The Benefits of CPAP (00:23)
Dr. Stuart Quan explains how successful use of CPAP can dramatically improve lives.
Apnea Treatments (01:10)
Dr. Lawrence J. Epstein discusses the variety of treatments available for obstructive sleep apnea.
Go to the related essayUnderstanding PAP
Challenges of CPAP (00:41)
Dr. Geoffrey S. Gilmartin explains that a poorly-fitting mask can make CPAP treatment difficult.
Impact of Treatment
A Better Life (00:21)
Dr. Geoffrey S. Gilmartin discusses how treatment for sleep apnea improves the lives of patients' bed partners or spouses.
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