All Affiliated Faculty and their Trainees working in the area of sleep or circadian biology will be provided a personal Profile page and are encouraged to maintain updates through Harvard Catalyst. Once your profile has been created, you will be sent a URL for your Profile Page, and your name, title and a summary of your research publications will be seen in the listing of either DSM Faculty or Trainees, as appropriate. 

We directly link to your Harvard Catalyst page and information is transferred weekly onto your Profile page automatically, including your contact info and publications. In order to create or update your personal profile page, please download the "Update my Profile" template and use this as a guide to update your Harvard Catalyst page to include information about your Society Memberships, Research Interests, Trainees, Research Funding, Teaching, and Publications. Subcategories that you would like to display that are not predesignated on Harvard Catalyst should be placed under the section “Overview”. It is recommended that you also keep a copy of this template for reference, and use this to update Harvard Catalyst.
See more information about how to update your Harvard Catalyst page here.

If you have any further questions about your Harvard Catalyst page, we recommend you reach out to the following services:

  • For HMS fellows: HMS Office of Human Resources (
  • For HMS Faculty: HMS Office for Faculty Affairs (

All Profiles have a field for a headshot photo, which we encourage you to send to us. Please send your headshot as a high quality photoshop-editable image in one of the following image files: png gif jpg jpeg. Images must be larger than 200x240 pixels.

NOTE: Trainees who have recently been promoted to faculty status, please apply for affiliation.

If you have any questions, please send an email to

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