The Takeaway

Insomnia can significantly reduce quality of life, while decreasing work productivity, increasing sick time, and lead to more car crashes1,2,3.


Personal Consequences

Daytime impairment is a key component to diagnosing insomnia. Persons with insomnia may experience fatigue, anxiety, irritability, decreased ability to concentrate, and inability to perform complex tasks. They also have greater difficulties with relationships between family members, friends and others. Insomnia has been associated with decreased work productivity and more absenteeism with a greater usage of health care services1,2

David describes his wife's insomnia and its impact on him


Societal Consequences

Insomnia Cost

As a result of its daytime effects, persons with insomnia are less productive and have greater absenteeism. They are also at greater risk of developing medical problems including falls and hip fractures, which affect productivity levels, increase health care utilization, and add to the economic costs to society.  Additionally, the risk of motor vehicle accidents is increased among those with insomnia3


  1. Kessler RC., et al. "Insomnia and the performance of US workers: results from the America insomnia survey." Sleep. 2011; 34(9): 1161-1171.
  2. Wade AG. "The societal costs of insomnia." Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2010; 7: 1-18.
  3. Sagberg F. "Driver health and crash involvement: A case-control study." Accid Anal Prev. 2006;38(1):28-34.