When you are packing for Boston in the summer, please don't forget to include important paperwork such as your immunization records, which are helpful for many administrative issues such as hiring/payment, your own health care, and in some circumstances, for housing placement (if you are planning to stay in a dorm). 

Also note that it gets very hot and humid in Boston during the summer, but can occassionally cool off at night quite a bit. For seasonal weather information, you can find monthly average temperatures and rainfall online on sites such as The Weather Channel. Note, however, that humidity in Boston in both summer and winter can make temperatures feel much hotter or colder. 

For summer students trying to find housing in Boston, following are a few resources that may be of assistance. 

Boston is not a huge city, but it does have many different neighborhoods with their own flavor. When looking at available housing in different neighborhoods, it is also important to figure out what is within walking distance of public transportation (bus, "T", or commuter rail).