Best Practices for EEG Signal Processing — Lessons and Applications
Dr. Roy Cox
Postdoctoral Researcher
Sleep and Cognition group
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
Click for free registration for Dr. Cox's seminar
Recent years have witnessed a surge in human sleep electroencephalography (EEG) studies, employing increasingly sophisticated analysis strategies to relate electrophysiological activity to cognition and disease. However, properly calculating and interpreting metrics used in contemporary sleep EEG requires attention to numerous theoretical and practical signal-processing details that are not always obvious. Moreover, the vast number of outcome measures that can be derived from a single data set inflates the risk of false positives and threatens replicability.
In this seminar, Dr. Cox will review several methodological issues related to 1) spectral analysis, 2) montage choice, 3) extraction of phase and amplitude information, 4) surrogate construction, and 5) minimizing false positives, illustrating both the impact of methodological choices on downstream results, and the importance of checking processing steps through visualization and simplified examples.
Suggested Reading: