Bizu Gelaye, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Title
Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Harvard School of Public Health
Kresge Bldg, Rm 505
677 Huntington Ave
Boston MA 02115
Publications View
SARS-CoV-2 morbidity and mortality in racial/ethnic minority populations: A window into the stress related inflammatory basis of health disparities?
Authors: Gelaye B, Foster S, Bhasin M, Tawakol A, Fricchione G.
Brain Behav Immun Health
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Brain Behav Immun Health
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Maternal-fetal genetic interactions, imprinting, and risk of placental abruption.
Authors: Workalemahu T, Enquobahrie DA, Gelaye B, Tadesse MG, Sanchez SE, Tekola-Ayele F, Hajat A, Thornton TA, Ananth CV, Williams MA.
J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med
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J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med
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Polygenic prediction and GWAS of depression, PTSD, and suicidal ideation/self-harm in a Peruvian cohort.
Authors: Shen H, Gelaye B, Huang H, Rondon MB, Sanchez S, Duncan LE.
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How Early Life Adversities Influence Later Life Family Interactions for Individuals with Schizophrenia in Outpatient Treatment: A Qualitative Analysis.
Authors: Misra S, Johnson KA, Parnarouskis LM, Koenen KC, Williams DR, Gelaye B, Borba CPC.
Community Ment Health J
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Community Ment Health J
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The Use of Wearable Technology to Objectively Measure Sleep Quality and Physical Activity Among Pregnant Women in Urban Lima, Peru: A Pilot Feasibility Study.
Authors: Galea JT, Ramos K, Coit J, Friedman LE, Contreras C, Dueñas M, Hernandez N, Muster C, Lecca L, Gelaye B.
Matern Child Health J
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Matern Child Health J
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REACH for mental health in the COVID19 pandemic: an urgent call for public health action.
Authors: Denckla CA, Gelaye B, Orlinsky L, Koenen KC.
Eur J Psychotraumatol
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Eur J Psychotraumatol
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Accuracy of the PHQ-2 Alone and in Combination With the PHQ-9 for Screening to Detect Major Depression: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Authors: Levis B, Sun Y, He C, Wu Y, Krishnan A, Bhandari PM, Neupane D, Imran M, Brehaut E, Negeri Z, Fischer FH, Benedetti A, Thombs BD, Che L, Levis A, Riehm K, Saadat N, Azar M, Rice D, Boruff J, Kloda L, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis J, McMillan D, Patten S, Shrier I, Ziegelstein R, Moore A, Akena D, Amtmann D, Arroll B, Ayalon L, Baradaran H, Beraldi A, Bernstein C, Bhana A, Bombardier C, Buji RI, Butterworth P, Carter G, Chagas M, Chan J, Chan LF, Chibanda D, Cholera R, Clover K, Conway A, Conwell Y, Daray F, de Man-van Ginkel J, Delgadillo J, Diez-Quevedo C, Fann J, Field S, Fisher J, Fung D, Garman E, Gelaye B, Gholizadeh L, Gibson L, Goodyear-Smith F, Green E, Greeno C, Hall B, Hampel P, Hantsoo L, Haroz E, Harter M, Hegerl U, Hides L, Hobfoll S, Honikman S, Hudson M, Hyphantis T, Inagaki M, Ismail K, Jeon HJ, Jetté N, Khamseh M, Kiely K, Kohler S, Kohrt B, Kwan Y, Lamers F, Asunción Lara M, Levin-Aspenson H, Lino V, Liu SI, Lotrakul M, Loureiro S, Löwe B, Luitel N, Lund C, Marrie RA, Marsh L, Marx B, McGuire A, Mohd Sidik S, Munhoz T, Muramatsu K, Nakku J, Navarrete L, Osório F, Patel V, Pence B, Persoons P, Petersen I, Picardi A, Pugh S, Quinn T, Rancans E, Rathod S, Reuter K, Roch S, Rooney A, Rowe H, Santos I, Schram M, Shaaban J, Shinn E, Sidebottom A, Simning A, Spangenberg L, Stafford L, Sung S, Suzuki K, Swartz R, Tan PLL, Taylor-Rowan M, Tran T, Turner A, van der Feltz-Cornelis C, van Heyningen T, van Weert H, Wagner L, Li Wang J, White J, Winkley K, Wynter K, Yamada M, Zhi Zeng Q, Zhang Y.
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Exploring pathways to Hospital Care for Patients with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in rural South Western Uganda.
Authors: Kakongi N, Rukundo GZ, Gelaye B, Wakida EK, Obua C, Okello ES.
BMC Health Serv Res
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BMC Health Serv Res
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Association of stress-related sleep disturbance with psychiatric symptoms among pregnant women.
Authors: Sanchez SE, Friedman LE, Rondon MB, Drake CL, Williams MA, Gelaye B.
Sleep Med
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Sleep Med
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Equivalency of the diagnostic accuracy of the PHQ-8 and PHQ-9: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis.
Authors: Wu Y, Levis B, Riehm KE, Saadat N, Levis AW, Azar M, Rice DB, Boruff J, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis JPA, Kloda LA, McMillan D, Patten SB, Shrier I, Ziegelstein RC, Akena DH, Arroll B, Ayalon L, Baradaran HR, Baron M, Bombardier CH, Butterworth P, Carter G, Chagas MH, Chan JCN, Cholera R, Conwell Y, de Man-van Ginkel JM, Fann JR, Fischer FH, Fung D, Gelaye B, Goodyear-Smith F, Greeno CG, Hall BJ, Harrison PA, Härter M, Hegerl U, Hides L, Hobfoll SE, Hudson M, Hyphantis T, Inagaki M, Jetté N, Khamseh ME, Kiely KM, Kwan Y, Lamers F, Liu SI, Lotrakul M, Loureiro SR, Löwe B, McGuire A, Mohd-Sidik S, Munhoz TN, Muramatsu K, Osório FL, Patel V, Pence BW, Persoons P, Picardi A, Reuter K, Rooney AG, Santos IS, Shaaban J, Sidebottom A, Simning A, Stafford L, Sung S, Tan PLL, Turner A, van Weert HC, White J, Whooley MA, Winkley K, Yamada M, Benedetti A, Thombs BD.
Psychol Med
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Psychol Med
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