Harvard Title

Professor Psychology

Other Affiliations

Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital


Massachusetts General Hospital
Psychiatric Neuroimaging, Room 2608
149 13th Street  
Charlestown MA 02129

Publications View
Coordination of Slow Waves with Sleep Spindles Predicts Sleep-Dependent Memory Consolidation in Schizophrenia.
Authors: Demanuele C, Bartsch U, Baran B, Khan S, Vangel MG, Cox R, Hämäläinen M, Jones MW, Stickgold R, Manoach DS.
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Disrupted Working Memory Circuitry in Schizophrenia: Disentangling fMRI Markers of Core Pathology vs Other Aspects of Impaired Performance.
Authors: Eryilmaz H, Tanner AS, Ho NF, Nitenson AZ, Silverstein NJ, Petruzzi LJ, Goff DC, Manoach DS, Roffman JL.
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Frontal preparatory neural oscillations associated with cognitive control: A developmental study comparing young adults and adolescents.
Authors: Hwang K, Ghuman AS, Manoach DS, Jones SR, Luna B.
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Dopamine D1 signaling organizes network dynamics underlying working memory.
Authors: Roffman JL, Tanner AS, Eryilmaz H, Rodriguez-Thompson A, Silverstein NJ, Ho NF, Nitenson AZ, Chonde DB, Greve DN, Abi-Dargham A, Buckner RL, Manoach DS, Rosen BR, Hooker JM, Catana C.
Sci Adv
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Sleep: Keeping One Eye Open.
Authors: Manoach DS, Stickgold R.
Curr Biol
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Thinking About a Task Is Associated with Increased Connectivity in Regions Activated by Task Performance.
Authors: Gregory MD, Robertson EM, Manoach DS, Stickgold R.
Brain Connect
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Graph Metrics of Structural Brain Networks in Individuals with Schizophrenia and Healthy Controls: Group Differences, Relationships with Intelligence, and Genetics.
Authors: Yeo RA, Ryman SG, van den Heuvel MP, de Reus MA, Jung RE, Pommy J, Mayer AR, Ehrlich S, Schulz SC, Morrow EM, Manoach D, Ho BC, Sponheim SR, Calhoun VD.
J Int Neuropsychol Soc
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Neural mechanisms supporting evaluation of others' errors in real-life like conditions.
Authors: Jääskeläinen IP, Halme HL, Agam Y, Glerean E, Lahnakoski JM, Sams M, Tapani K, Ahveninen J, Manoach DS.
Sci Rep
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Failure to mobilize cognitive control for challenging tasks correlates with symptom severity in schizophrenia.
Authors: Baran B, Karahanoglu FI, Agam Y, Mantonakis L, Manoach DS.
Neuroimage Clin
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Neural Correlates of Schizophrenia Negative Symptoms: Distinct Subtypes Impact Dissociable Brain Circuits.
Authors: Shaffer JJ, Peterson MJ, McMahon MA, Bizzell J, Calhoun V, van Erp TG, Ford JM, Lauriello J, Lim KO, Manoach DS, McEwen SC, Mathalon DH, O'Leary D, Potkin SG, Preda A, Turner J, Voyvodic J, Wible CG, Belger A.
Mol Neuropsychiatry
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