Dr. Eva Schernhammer Photo

Eva Schernhammer, D.P.H., M.D.

Harvard Titles

Adjunct Professor Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Lecturer on Medicine, Part-time

Other Affiliations

Channing Division of Network Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital


Channing Laboratory
181 Longwood Avenue, 4th Floor, Room 444
Boston, MA 02115

Publications View
Development of the VEGANScreener, a Tool for a Quick Diet Quality Assessment among Vegans in Europe.
Authors: Kronsteiner-Gicevic S, Bogl LH, Wakolbinger M, Müller S, Dietrich J, De Keyzer W, Bullón-Vela V, Selinger E, Keller V, Martínez Tabar A, Asif T, Craig L, Kyle J, Schlesinger S, Köder C, Ouradova A, Henikova M, Van Lippevelde W, Cahova M, Martínez González MA, Willett W, Bes-Rastrollo M, Gojda J, De Henauw S, Keller M, Kuzma M, Schernhammer E.
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Maternal One-Carbon Nutrient Intake and Risk of Being Overweight or Obese in Their Offspring-A Transgenerational Prospective Cohort Study.
Authors: Bogl LH, Strohmaier S, Hu FB, Willett WC, Eliassen AH, Hart JE, Sun Q, Chavarro JE, Field AE, Schernhammer ES.
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Olfactory identification, cognition, depressive symptoms, and 5-year mortality in patients with subjective cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease.
Authors: Pusswald G, Dapic B, Bum C, Schernhammer E, Stögmann E, Lehrner J.
Wien Med Wochenschr
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The history of circadian rhythm research in Austria.
Authors: Schernhammer ES, Klösch G, Ellinger I, Winkler D, Winkler-Pjrek E, Jordakieva G, Papantoniou K, Strohmaier S, Lell B, Waldhauser F.
Wien Klin Wochenschr
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Adiposity, Weight Change, and Urinary Melatonin Levels among Men in the Multiethnic Cohort.
Authors: Chowdhury-Paulino IM, Vaselkiv JB, Cheng I, Schernhammer ES, Lin Z, Haiman CA, Le Marchand L, Valdimarsdóttir U, Wilkens LR, Markt SC, Mucci LA.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
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Timing and duration of dog walking and dog owner's chronotype in relation to incident depression risk among middle to older-aged female nurses.
Authors: Zebrowska M, Strohmaier S, Westgarth C, Huttenhower C, Eliassen HA, Haghayegh S, Huang T, Laden F, Hart J, Rosner B, Kawachi I, Chavarro JE, Okereke OI, Schernhammer ES.
PLoS One
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Development and evaluation of a web-based diet quality screener for vegans (VEGANScreener): a cross-sectional, observational, multicenter, clinical study.
Authors: Asif T, Ouradová A, Martínez Tabar A, Bullón-Vela V, Müller S, Dietrich J, Keller V, Heniková M, Selinger E, Herter-Aeberli I, Wakolbinger M, De Keyzer W, Van Lippevelde W, Cahová M, Bogl LH, Kuzma M, Bes-Rastrollo M, De Henauw S, Keller M, Kronsteiner-Gicevic S, Schernhammer E, Gojda J.
Front Nutr
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Hemoglobin A1c Serum Level Predicts 5-year Mortality in Patients with Cognitive Impairment.
Authors: Dreier J, Schernhammer E, Haslacher H, Stögmann E, Lehrner J.
J Diabetes Metab Disord
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Rotating Night Shift Work, Sleep, and Thyroid Cancer Risk in the Nurses' Health Study 2.
Authors: Papantoniou K, Konrad P, Haghayegh S, Strohmaier S, Eliassen AH, Schernhammer E.
Cancers (Basel)
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Recognition of COVID-19 with occupational origin: a comparison between European countries.
Authors: Nys E, Pauwels S, Ádám B, Amaro J, Athanasiou A, Bashkin O, Bric TK, Bulat P, Caglayan C, Guseva Canu I, Cebanu S, Charbotel B, Cirule J, Curti S, Davidovitch N, Dopelt K, Fikfak MD, Frilander H, Gustavsson P, Höper AC, Kiran S, Kogevinas M, Kudász F, Kolstad HA, Lazarevic SB, Macan J, Majery N, Marinaccio A, Mates D, Mattioli S, McElvenny DM, Mediouni Z, Mehlum IS, Merisalu E, Mijakoski D, Nena E, Noone P, Otelea MR, Pelclova D, Pranjic N, Rosso M, Serra C, Rushton L, Sandal A, Schernhammer ES, Stoleski S, Turner MC, van der Molen HF, Varga M, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Straif K, Godderis L.
Occup Environ Med
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