Dr. Jeffrey Rothschild Photo

Jeffrey M. Rothschild, M.D.

Harvard Title

Associate Professor of Medicine

Administrate and Hospital Titles

Associate Physician, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital


Department of Medicine
General Medicine
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115

Publications View
Impact of robotic antineoplastic preparation on safety, workflow, and costs.
Authors: Seger AC, Churchill WW, Keohane CA, Belisle CD, Wong ST, Sylvester KW, Chesnick MA, Burdick E, Wien MF, Cotugno MC, Bates DW, Rothschild JM.
J Oncol Pract
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Early recognition of acutely deteriorating patients in non-intensive care units: assessment of an innovative monitoring technology.
Authors: Zimlichman E, Szyper-Kravitz M, Shinar Z, Klap T, Levkovich S, Unterman A, Rozenblum R, Rothschild JM, Amital H, Shoenfeld Y.
J Hosp Med
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Improving medication safety.
Authors: Schnipper JL, Rothschild JM.
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Analysis of risk factors for adverse drug events in critically ill patients*.
Authors: Kane-Gill SL, Kirisci L, Verrico MM, Rothschild JM.
Crit Care Med
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Comparison of computerized surveillance and manual chart review for adverse events.
Authors: Tinoco A, Evans RS, Staes CJ, Lloyd JF, Rothschild JM, Haug PJ.
J Am Med Inform Assoc
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Errors associated with outpatient computerized prescribing systems.
Authors: Nanji KC, Rothschild JM, Salzberg C, Keohane CA, Zigmont K, Devita J, Gandhi TK, Dalal AK, Bates DW, Poon EG.
J Am Med Inform Assoc
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Evaluating and classifying pharmacists' quality interventions in the emergency department.
Authors: Abu-Ramaileh AM, Shane R, Churchill W, Steffenhagen A, Patka J, Rothschild JM.
Am J Health Syst Pharm
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The research agenda in ICU telemedicine: a statement from the Critical Care Societies Collaborative.
Authors: Kahn JM, Hill NS, Lilly CM, Angus DC, Jacobi J, Rubenfeld GD, Rothschild JM, Sales AE, Scales DC, Mathers JAL.
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Addition of electronic prescription transmission to computerized prescriber order entry: Effect on dispensing errors in community pharmacies.
Authors: Moniz TT, Seger AC, Keohane CA, Seger DL, Bates DW, Rothschild JM.
Am J Health Syst Pharm
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Physician opinions of the importance, accessibility, and quality of health information and their use of the information.
Authors: Panjamapirom A, Burkhardt JH, Volk LA, Rothschild JM, Bates DW, Glandon GL, Berner ES.
AMIA Annu Symp Proc
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