In memoriam: Robert W. McCarley, MD
Selected Publications
Original Articles
McCoy JG, Christie MA, Kim Y, Brennan R, Poeta DL, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. Chronic sleep restriction impairs spatial memory in rats.
Neuroreport. 2013 Jan 23;24(2):91-5. [PMID: 23238166]
Chen L, McKenna JT, Bolortuya Y, Brown RE, McCarley RW. Knockdown of orexin type 2 receptor in the lateral pontomesencephalic tegmentum of rats increases REM sleep.
Eur J Neurosci. 2013 Jan 3. [PMID: 23282008]
Asami T, Saito Y, Whitford TJ, Makris N, Niznikiewicz M, McCarley RW, Shenton ME, Kubicki M. Abnormalities of middle longitudinal fascicle and disorganization in patients with schizophrenia.
Schizophr Res. 2013 Jan 3. [PMID: 23290607]
Lee SH, Kubicki M, Asami T, Seidman LJ, Goldstein JM, Mesholam-Gately RI, McCarley RW, Shenton ME. Extensive white matter abnormalities in patients with first-episode schizophrenia: A diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) study.
Schizophr Res. 2013 Jan 2. [PMID: 23290268]
McKenna JT, Yang C, Franciosi S, Winston S, Abarr KK, Rigby MS, Yanagawa Y, McCarley RW, Brown RE. Distribution and intrinsic membrane properties of basal forebrain GABAergic and parvalbumin neurons in the mouse.
J Comp Neurol. 2012 Dec 17. [PMID: 23254904]
Dickey CC, Vu MA, Voglmaier MM, Niznikiewicz MA, McCarley RW, Panych LP. Prosodic abnormalities in schizotypal personality disorder.
Schizophr Res. 2012 Dec;142(1-3):20-30. [PMID: 23068317]
Pasternak O, Westin CF, Bouix S, Seidman LJ, Goldstein JM, Woo TU, Petryshen TL, Mesholam-Gately RI, McCarley RW, Kikinis R, Shenton ME, Kubicki M. Excessive
Extracellular Volume Reveals a Neurodegenerative Pattern in Schizophrenia Onset.
J Neurosci. 2012 Nov 28;32(48):17365-17372. [PMID: 23197727]
Rosenberger G, Nestor PG, Oh JS, Levitt JJ, Kindleman G, Bouix S, Fitzsimmons J, Niznikiewicz M, Westin CF, Kikinis R, McCarley RW, Shenton ME, Kubicki M. Anterior limb of the internal capsule in schizophrenia: a diffusion tensor tractography study.
Brain Imaging Behav. 2012 Sep;6(3):417-25. [PMID: 22415192]
Nestor PG, Kubicki M, Nakamura M, Niznikiewicz M, Levitt JJ, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. Neuropsychological variability, symptoms, and brain imaging in chronic schizophrenia.
Brain Imaging Behav. 2012 Jul 25. [PMID: 23011383]
Pinheiro AP, Del Re E, Nestor PG, McCarley RW, Gonçalves OF, Niznikiewicz M. Interactions between mood and the structure of semantic memory: event-related potentials evidence.
Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2012 Jun 19.[PMID: 22434931]
Kim Y, Bolortuya Y, Chen L, Basheer R, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. Decoupling of sleepiness from sleep time and intensity during chronic sleep restriction: evidence for a role of the adenosine system.
Sleep. 2012 Jun 1;35(6):861-9. [PMID: 22654205]
Nestor PG, Nakamura M, Niznikiewicz M, Thompson E, Levitt JJ, Choate V, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. In search of the functional neuroanatomy of sociality: MRI subdivisions of orbital frontal cortex and social cognition.
Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2012 Apr 24.[PMID: 22345366]
Levitt JJ, Alvarado JL, Nestor PG, Rosow L, Pelavin PE, McCarley RW, Kubicki M, Shenton ME. Fractional anisotropy and radial diffusivity: diffusion measures of white matter abnormalities in the anterior limb of the internal capsule in schizophrenia.
Schizophr Res. 2012 Apr;136(1-3):55-62. [PMID: 22019073]
Davidson CA, Kuroki N, Alvarado JL, Niznikiewicz MA, McCarley RW, Levitt JJ. An MRI study of septi pellucidi in relation to hippocampus volume and fornix integrity in schizophrenia.
Schizophr Res. 2012 Feb;134(2-3):165-70. [PMID: 22177349]
Mulert C, Kirsch V, Whitford TJ, Alvarado J, Pelavin P, McCarley RW, Kubicki M, Salisbury DF, Shenton ME. Hearing voices: a role of interhemispheric auditory connectivity?
World J Biol Psychiatry. 2012 Feb;13(2):153-8. [PMID: 21623667]
Liu T, Pinheiro AP, Deng G, Nestor PG, McCarley RW, Niznikiewicz MA. Electrophysiological insights into processing nonverbal emotional vocalizations.
Neuroreport. 2012 Jan 25;23(2):108-12. [PMID: 22134115]
Asami T, Bouix S, Whitford TJ, Shenton ME, Salisbury DF, McCarley RW. Longitudinal loss of gray matter volume in patients with first-episode schizophrenia: DARTEL automated analysis and ROI validation.
Neuroimage. 2012 Jan 16;59(2):986-96. [PMID: 21924364]
Liu T, Pinheiro A, Zhao Z, Nestor PG, McCarley RW, Niznikiewicz MA. Emotional cues during simultaneous face and voice processing: electrophysiological insights.
PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e31001. [PMID: 22383987]
Pinheiro AP, McCarley RW, Thompson E, Gonçalves OF, Niznikiewicz M. From semantics to feelings: how do individuals with schizophrenia rate the emotional valence of words?
Schizophr Res Treatment. 2012;2012:431823. [PMID: 22966437]
Nguyen AD, Pelavin PE, Shenton ME, Chilakamarri P, McCarley RW, Nestor PG, Levitt JJ. Olfactory sulcal depth and olfactory bulb volume in patients with schizophrenia: an MRI study. Brain Imaging Behav. 2011 Dec;5(4):252-61. [PMID: 21728040]
Whitford TJ, Savadjiev P, Kubicki M, O'Donnell LJ, Terry DP, Bouix S, Westin CF, Schneiderman JS, Bobrow L, Rausch AC, Niznikiewicz M, Nestor PG, Pantelis C, Wood SJ, McCarley RW, Shenton ME. Fiber geometry in the corpus callosum in schizophrenia: evidence for transcallosal misconnection.
Schizophr Res. 2011 Oct;132(1):69-74. [PMID: 21831601]
Dickey CC, Panych LP, Voglmaier MM, Niznikiewicz MA, Terry DP, Murphy C, Zacks R, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. Facial emotion recognition and facial affect display in schizotypal personality disorder.
Schizophr Res. 2011 Sep;131(1-3):242-9. [PMID: 21640557]
Kalinchuk AV, McCarley RW, Porkka-Heiskanen T, Basheer R. The time course of adenosine, nitric oxide (NO) and inducible NO synthase changes in the brain with sleep loss and their role in the NREM sleep homeostatic cascade.
J. Neurochem. 2011 116:260-272. [PMID: 21062286]
Choi H, Kubicki M, Whitford TJ, Alvarado JL, Terry DP, Niznikiewicz M, McCarley RW, Kwon JS, Shenton ME. Diffusion tensor imaging of anterior commissural fibers in patients with schizophrenia.
Schizophr Res. 2011 Aug;130(1-3):78-85. [PMID: 21561738]
Dworak M, McCarley RW, Kim T, Kalinchuk AV, Basheer R. Replies to commentaries
on ATP changes during sleep.
Sleep. 2011 Jul 1;34(7):841-3. [PMID: 21731133]
Mulert C, Kirsch V, Whitford TJ, Alvarado J, Pelavin P, McCarley RW, Kubicki M, Salisbury DF, Shenton ME. Hearing voices: A role of interhemispheric auditory connectivity?
World J Biol Psychiatry. 2011 May 30. [PMID: 21623667]
Rathi Y, Kubicki M, Bouix S, Westin CF, Goldstein J, Seidman L, Mesholam-Gately R, McCarley RW, Shenton ME. Statistical analysis of fiber bundles using multi-tensor tractography: application to first-episode schizophrenia.
Magn Reson Imaging. 2011 May;29(4):507-15. [PMID: 21277725]
Spencer KM, Nestor PG, Valdman O, Niznikiewicz MA, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. Enhanced
facilitation of spatial attention in schizophrenia.
Neuropsychol 2011;25:76-85. [PMID: 20919764]
Kubicki M, Alvarado JL, Westin CF, Tate DF, Markant D, Terry DP, Whitford TJ, De Siebenthal J, Bouix S, McCarley RW, Kikinis R, Shenton ME. Stochastic tractography study of Inferior Frontal Gyrus anatomical connectivity in schizophrenia.
Neuroimage. 2011 Apr 15;55(4):1657-64. [PMID: 21256966]
Whitford TJ, Kubicki M, Ghorashi S, Schneiderman JS, Hawley KJ, McCarley RW, Shenton ME, Spencer KM. Predicting inter-hemispheric transfer time from the diffusion properties of the corpus callosum in healthy individuals and schizophrenia patients: a combined ERP and DTI study.
Neuroimage. 2011 Feb 1;54(3):2318-29. [PMID: 2097794]
Ward CP, McCoy JG, McKenna JT, Connolly NP, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. Spatial learning and memory deficits following exposure to 24 h of sleep fragmentation or intermittent hypoxia in a rat model of obstructive sleep apnea.
Brain Res. 2009 Oct 19;1294:128-37. [PMID: 19643093]
Mulert C, Kirsch V, Pascual-Marqui R, McCarley RW, Spencer KM. Long-range synchrony of
gamma oscillations and auditory hallucination symptoms in schizophrenia.
Int J Psychophysiol. 2011 Jan;79(1):55-63. [PMID: 20713096]
Nestor PG, Niznikiewicz M, McCarley RW. Distinct contribution of working memory and social comprehension failures in neuropsychological impairment in schizophrenia.
J Nerv Ment Dis. 2010 198(3):206-12. [PMID: 20215998.]
Nestor PG, Kubicki M, Nakamura M, Niznikiewicz M, McCarley RW, Shenton ME. Comparing
prefrontal gray and white matter contributions to intelligence and decision making in schizophrenia and healthy controls.
Neuropsychology. 2010 24(1):121-9. [PMID: 20063953]
Chen L, McKenna JT, Leonard MZ, Yanagawa Y, McCarley RW, Brown RE. GAD67-GFP knockin
mice have normal sleep-wake patterns and sleep homeostasis.
Neuroreport. 2010 21(3):216-20. [PMID: 20051926]
Tartar JL, McKenna JT, Ward CP, McCarley RW, Strecker RE, Brown RE. Sleep fragmentation
reduces hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell excitability and response to adenosine.
Neurosci Lett. 2010 Jan 18;469(1):1-5. [PMID: 19914331]
McCoy JG, McKenna JT, Connolly NP, Poeta DL, Ling L, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. One week
of exposure to intermittent hypoxia impairs attentional set-shifting in rats.
Behav Brain Res. 2010 Jun 26;210(1):123-6. [PMID: 20122971]
Dickey CC, Morocz IA, Minney D, Niznikiewicz MA, Voglmaier MM, Panych LP, Khan U, Zacks
R, Terry DP, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. Factors in sensory processing of prosody in schizotypal
personality disorder: an fMRI experiment.
Schizophr Res. 2010 Aug;121(1-3):75-89. [PMID: 20362418]
Whitford TJ, Kubicki M, Schneiderman JS, O'Donnell LJ, King R, Alvarado JL, Khan U, Markant D, Nestor PG, Niznikiewicz M, McCarley RW, Westin CF, Shenton ME. Corpus callosum abnormalities and their association with psychotic symptoms in patients with schizophrenia.
Biol Psychiatry. 2010 Jul 1;68(1):70-7 [PMID: 20494336]
Niznikiewicz M, Mittal MS, Nestor PG, McCarley RW. Abnormal inhibitory processes in semantic
networks in schizophrenia.
Int J Psychophysiol. 2010 Feb;75(2):133-40. [PMID: 19840822]
Mulert C, Leicht G, Hepp P, Kirsch V, Karch S, Pogarell O, Reiser M, Hegerl U, Jäger L, Moller
HJ, McCarley RW. Single-trial coupling of the gamma-band response and the corresponding BOLD signal.
Neuroimage. 2010 Feb 1;49(3):2238-47. [PMID: 19878729]
Christie MA, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. Twenty-four hours, or five days, of continuous sleep deprivation or experimental sleep fragmentation do not alter thirst or motivation for water reward in rats.
Behav Brain Res. 2010 Dec 25;214(2):180-6. [PMID: 20493906]
Kalinchuk AV, McCarley RW, Porkka-Heiskanen T, Basheer R. Sleep deprivation triggers inducible nitric oxide-dependent nitric oxide production in wake-active basal forebrain neurons.
J Neurosci. 2010 Oct 6;30(40):13254-64. [PMID 20926651]
Woo TU, Spencer K, McCarley RW. Gamma oscillation deficits and the onset and early progression of schizophrenia.
Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2010 Jun;18(3):173-89. [PMID: 20415633]
Salisbury DF, Collins KC, McCarley RW. Reductions in the N1 and P2 Auditory Event-Related
Potentials in First-Hospitalized and Chronic Schizophrenia.
Schizophr Bull. 2010;36(5):991-1000 [PMID: 19282472]
Rathi Y, Malcolm J, Michailovich O, Goldstein J, Seidman L, McCarley RW, Westin CF, Shenton ME. Biomarkers for identifying first-episode schizophrenia patients using diffusion weighted imaging.
Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2010;13(Pt 1):657-65. [PMID: 20879287]
Kikinis Z, Fallon JH, Niznikiewicz M, Nestor P, Davidson C, Bobrow L, Pelavin PE, Fischl B, Yendiki A, McCarley RW, Kikinis R, Kubicki M, Shenton ME. Gray matter volume reduction in
rostral middle frontal gyrus in patients with chronic schizophrenia.
Schizophr Res. 2010 Nov;123(2-3):153-9. [PMID: 20822884]
Dworak M, McCarley RW, Kim T, Kalinchuk AV, Basheer R. Sleep and brain energy levels: ATP
changes during sleep.
J Neurosci. 2010 Jun 30;30(26):9007-16. [PMID: 20592221]
Yoshida T, McCarley RW, Niznikiewicz MA. Letter to Editor.
Schizophr Res. 2010 Jun 14. [PMID: 20554433]
Chen L, McKenna JT, Bolortuya Y, Winston S, Thakkar MM, Basheer R, Brown RE, McCarley RW. Knockdown of orexin type 1 receptor in rat locus coeruleus increases REM sleep during the dark period.
Eur J Neurosci. 2010 Nov;32(9):1528-36. [PMID: 21089218]
McKenna JT, Cordeira JW, Jeffrey BA, Ward CP, Winston S, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. c-Fos protein expression is increased in cholinergic neurons of the rodent basal forebrain during spontaneous and induced wakefulness.
Brain Res Bull. 2009 Dec 16;80(6):382-8. [PMID: 19716862]
Ward CP, McCoy JG, McKenna JT, Connolly NP, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. Spatial learning and memory deficits following exposure to 24 h of sleep fragmentation or intermittent hypoxia in a rat model of obstructive sleep apnea.
Brain Res. 2009 Oct 19;1294:128-37. [PMID: 19643093]
Niznikiewicz M, Mittal MS, Nestor PG, McCarley RW. Abnormal inhibitory
processes in semantic networks in schizophrenia. Int J Psychophysiol. 2009 Oct
16. [PMID: 19840822]
Chen L, Brown RE, McKenna JT, McCarley RW. Animal models of narcolepsy.
CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2009 Aug;8(4):296-308. [PMID: 19689311]
Yoshida T, McCarley RW, Nakamura M, Lee K, Koo MS, Bouix S, Salisbury DF, Morra L, Shenton ME, Niznikiewicz MA. A prospective longitudinal volumetric MRI study of superior temporal gyrus gray matter and amygdala-hippocampal complex in chronic schizophrenia.
Schizophr Res. 2009 Aug;113(1):84-94. [PMID: 19524408]
Spencer KM, Niznikiewicz MA, Nestor PG, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. Left auditory cortex gamma synchronization and auditory hallucination symptoms in schizophrenia.
BMC Neurosci. 2009 Jul 20;10:85. [PMID: 19619324]
Nestor PG, Klein K, Pomplun M, Niznikiewicz M, McCarley RW. Gaze cueing of attention in schizophrenia: Individual differences in neuropsychological functioning and symptoms.
J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2009 Jun 18:1-9. [PMID: 19544134]
Ward CP, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. Experimental sleep fragmentation impairs spatial reference but not working memory in Fischer/Brown Norway rats.
J Sleep Res. 2009 Jun;18(2):238-44. [PMID: 19645967]
Voglmaier MM, Seidman LJ, Niznikiewicz MA, Madan A, Dickey CC, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. Dichotic listening in schizotypal personality disorder: Evidence for gender and laterality effects.
Schizophr Res. 2009 May 21. [PMID: 19464150]
Oh JS, Kubicki M, Rosenberger G, Bouix S, Levitt JJ, McCarley RW, Westin CF, Shenton ME. Thalamo-frontal white matter alterations in chronic schizophrenia: a quantitative diffusion tractography study.
Hum Brain Mapp. 2009 May 15;30(11):3812-3825. [PMID: 19449328]
Kawashima T, Nakamura M, Bouix S, Kubicki M, Salisbury DF, Westin CF, McCarley RW, Shenton ME. Uncinate fasciculus abnormalities in recent onset schizophrenia and affective psychosis: a diffusion tensor imaging study.
Schizophr Res. 2009 May;110(1-3):119-26. [PMID: 19328656]
Levitt JJ, Styner M, Niethammer M, Bouix S, Koo MS, Voglmaier MM, Dickey CC, Niznikiewicz MA, Kikinis R, McCarley RW, Shenton ME. Shape abnormalities of caudate nucleus in schizotypal personality disorder.
Schizophr Res. 2009 May;110(1-3):127-39. [PMID: 19328654]
Niznikiewicz MA, Spencer KM, Dickey C, Voglmaier M, Seidman LJ, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. Abnormal pitch mismatch negativity in individuals with schizotypal personality disorder.
Schizophr Res. 2009 May;110(1-3):188-93. Epub 2009 Mar 27. [PMID: 19327968]
Hashimoto RI, Lee K, Preus A, McCarley RW, Wible CG. An fMRI Study of Functional Abnormalities in the Verbal Working Memory System and the Relationship to Clinical Symptoms in Chronic Schizophrenia.
Cereb Cortex. 2009 Apr 24. [PMID: 19395526]
Salisbury DF, Collins KC, McCarley RW. Reductions in the N1 and P2 Auditory Event-Related Potentials in First-Hospitalized and Chronic Schizophrenia.
Schizophr Bull. 2009 Mar 12. [PMID: 19282472]
Elmenhorst D, Basheer R, McCarley RW, Bauer A. Sleep deprivation increases A(1) adenosine receptor density in the rat brain.
Brain Res. 2009 Mar 3;1258:53-8. Epub 2008 Dec 31. [PMID: 19146833]
Lee K, Yoshida T, Kubicki M, Bouix S, Westin CF, Kindlmann G, Niznikiewicz M, Cohen A, McCarley RW, Shenton ME. Increased diffusivity in superior temporal gyrus in patients with schizophrenia: a Diffusion Tensor Imaging study.
Schizophr Res. 2009 Mar;108(1-3):33-40. Epub 2009 Jan 9. [PMID: 19135872]
Tartar JL, Ward CP, Cordeira JW, Legare SL, Blanchette AJ, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. Experimental sleep fragmentation and sleep deprivation in rats increases exploration in an open field test of anxiety while increasing plasma corticosterone levels.
Behav Brain Res. 2009 Feb 11;197(2):450-3. Epub 2008 Sep 2. [PMID: 18805441]
Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Thermenos HW, Milanovic S, Tsuang MT, Faraone SV, McCarley RW, Shenton ME, Green AI, Nieto-Castanon A, LaViolette P, Wojcik J, Gabrieli JD, Seidman LJ. Hyperactivity and hyperconnectivity of the default
network in schizophrenia and in first-degree relatives of persons with schizophrenia.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Jan 27;106(4):1279-84. Epub 2009 Jan 21. Erratum in: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Mar 17;106(11):4572. [PMID: 19164577]
Segall JM, Turner JA, van Erp TG, White T, Bockholt HJ, Gollub RL, Ho BC, Magnotta V, Jung RE, McCarley RW, Schulz SC, Lauriello J, Clark VP, Voyvodic JT, Diaz MT, Calhoun VD. Voxel-based morphometric multisite collaborative study on schizophrenia.
Schizophr Bull. 2009 Jan;35(1):82-95. Epub 2008 Nov 7. [PMID: 18997157]
Fitzsimmons J, Kubicki M, Smith K, Bushell G, Estepar RS, Westin CF, Nestor PG, Niznikiewicz MA, Kikinis R, McCarley RW, Shenton ME. Diffusion tractography of the fornix in schizophrenia.
Schizophr Res. 2009 Jan;10 (1):39-46. Epub 2008 Nov 30. [PMID: 19046624]
Christie MA, McKenna JT, Connolly NP, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. 24 hours of sleep deprivation in the rat increases sleepiness and decreases vigilance: introduction of the rat-psychomotor vigilance task.
J Sleep Res. 2008 Dec;17(4):376-84. Epub 2008 Oct 6. Erratum in: J Sleep Res. 2009 Mar;18(1):143. [PMID: 19021853]
McKenna JT, Cordeira JW, Christie MA, Tartar JL, McCoy JG, Lee E, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. Assessing sleepiness in the rat: a multiple sleep latencies test compared to polysomnographic measures of sleepiness.
J Sleep Res. 2008 Dec;17(4):365-75. Epub 2008 Sep 13. [PMID: 18823428]
Kubicki M, Styner M, Bouix S, Gerig G, Markant D, Smith K, Kikinis R, McCarley RW, Shenton ME. Reduced interhemispheric connectivity in schizophrenia-tractography based segmentation of the corpus callosum.
Schizophr Res. 2008 Dec;106(2-3):125-131. [PMID: 18829262]
Fitzsimmons J, Kubicki M, Smith K, Bushell G, Estepar RS, Westin CF, Nestor
PG, Niznikiewicz MA, Kikinis R, McCarley RW, Shenton ME. Diffusion tractography of the fornix in schizophrenia.
Schizophr Res. 2008 Nov 29. [PMID: 19046624]
Kalinchuk AV, McCarley RW, Stenberg D, Porkka-Heiskanen T, Basheer R. The role of cholinergic basal forebrain neurons in adenosine-mediated homeostatic control of sleep: lessons from 192 IgG-saporin lesions.
Neuroscience. 2008 Nov 11;157(1):238-53. [PMID: 18805464]
Segall JM, Turner JA, van Erp TG, White T, Bockholt HJ, Gollub RL, Ho BC,
Magnotta V, Jung RE, McCarley RW, Schulz SC, Lauriello J, Clark VP, Voyvodic JT, Diaz MT, Calhoun VD. Voxel-based Morphometric Multisite Collaborative Study on Schizophrenia.
Schizophr Bull. 2008 Nov 7. [PMID: 18997157]
McGuire M, Tartar JL, Cao Y, McCarley RW, White DP, Strecker RE, Ling L. Sleep fragmentation impairs ventilatory long-term facilitation via adenosine A1 receptors.
J Physiol. 2008 Nov 1;586(Pt 21):5215-29. [PMID: 18787037]
Christie MA, McKenna JT, Connolly NP, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. 24 hours of sleep deprivation in the rat increases sleepiness and decreases vigilance: introduction of the rat-psychomotor vigilance task.
J Sleep Res. 2008 Oct 6. [PMID: 19021853]
Christie MA, Bolortuya Y, Chen LC, McKenna JT, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. Microdialysis elevation of adenosine in the basal forebrain produces vigilance impairments in the rat psychomotor vigilance task.
Sleep. 2008 Oct 1;31(10):1393-8. [PMID: 18853936]
McKenna JT, Cordeira JW, Christie MA, Tartar JL, McCoy JG, Lee E, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. Assessing sleepiness in the rat: a multiple sleep latencies test compared to polysomnographic measures of sleepiness.
J Sleep Res. 2008 Sep 13. [PMID: 18823428]
Tartar JL, Ward CP, Cordeira JW, Legare SL, Blanchette AJ, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. Experimental sleep ragmentation and sleep deprivation in rats increases exploration in an open field test of anxiety while increasing plasma corticosterone levels.
Behav Brain Res. 2008 Sep 2. [PMID: 18805441]
Spencer KM, Salisbury DF, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. Gamma-band auditory steady-state responses are impaired in first episode psychosis.
Biol Psychiatry. 2008 Sep 1;64(5):369-75. [PMID: 18400208]
Dickey CC, Morocz IA, Niznikiewicz MA, Voglmaier M, Toner S, Khan U, Dreusicke M, Yoo SS, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. Auditory processing abnormalities in schizotypal personality disorder: an fMRI experiment using tones of deviant pitch and duration.
Schizophr Res. 2008 Aug;103(1-3):26-39. [PMID: 18555666]
Koo MS, Levitt JJ, Salisbury DF, Nakamura M, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. A cross-sectional and longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study of cingulate gyrus gray matter volume abnormalities in first-episode schizophrenia and first-episode affective psychosis.
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008 Jul;65(7):746-60. [PMID: 18606948]
Rosenberger G, Kubicki M, Nestor PG, Connor E, Bushell GB, Markant D, Niznikiewicz M, Westin CF, Kikinis R, J Saykin A, McCarley RW, Shenton ME. Age-related deficits in fronto-temporal connections in schizophrenia: a diffusion tensor imaging study.
Schizophr Res. 2008 Jul;102(1-3):181-8. [PMID: 18504117]
Thakkar MM, Winston S, McCarley RW. Effect of microdialysis perfusion of 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo-[5,4-c]pyridine-3-ol in the perifornical hypothalamus on sleep-wakefulness: Role of delta-subunit containing extrasynaptic GABA(A) receptors.
Neuroscience. 2008 May 15;153(3):551-5. [PMID: 18406065
Spencer KM, Niznikiewicz MA, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. Sensory-evoked gamma oscillations in chronic schizophrenia.
Biol Psychiatry. 2008 Apr 15;63(8):744-7. [PMID: 18083143]
Nestor PG, Kubicki M, Niznikiewicz M, Gurrera RJ, McCarley RW, Shenton ME. Neuropsychological disturbance in schizophrenia: a diffusion tensor imaging study.
Neuropsychology. 2008 Mar;22(2):246-54. [PMID: 18331167]
AhnAllen CG, Nestor PG, Shenton ME, McCarley RW, Niznikiewicz MA. Early nicotine withdrawal and transdermal nicotine effects on neurocognitive performance in schizophrenia.
Schizophr Res. 2008 Mar;100(1-3):261-9. [PMID: 17884348]
Nakamura M, Nestor PG, Levitt JJ, Cohen AS, Kawashima T, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. Orbitofrontal volume deficit in schizophrenia and thought disorder.
Brain. 2008 Jan;131(Pt 1):180-95 [PMID: 18056163]
Brown RE, McKenna JT, Winston S, Basheer R, Yanagawa Y, Thakkar MM, McCarley RW. Characterization of GABAergic neurons in rapid-eye-movement sleep controlling regions of the brainstem reticular formation in GAD67-green fluorescent protein knock-in mice.
Eur J Neurosci. 2008 Jan;27(2):352-63. [PMID: 18215233]
McKenna JT, Tartar JL, Ward CP, Thakkar MM, Cordeira JW, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. Sleep fragmentation elevates behavioral, electrographic and neurochemical measures of sleepiness.
Neuroscience. 2007 Jun 8;146(4):1462-73. PMID: 17442498]
Salisbury DF, Kuroki N, Kasai K, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. Progressive and interrelated functional and structural evidence of post-onset brain reduction in schizophrenia.
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007 May;64(5):521-9. [PMID: 17485604]
Gurrera RJ, Nakamura M, Kubicki M, Dickey CC, Niznikiewicz MA, Voglmaier MM, McCarley RW, Shenton ME, Westin CF, Maier SE, Seidman LJ. The uncinate fasciculus and extraversion in schizotypal personality disorder: a diffusion tensor imaging study.
Schizophr Res. 2007 Feb;90(1-3):360-2. Epub 2006 Nov 28. [PMID: 17126532]
Dickey CC, McCarley RW, Xu ML, Seidman LJ, Voglmaier MM, Niznikiewicz MA, Connor E, Shenton ME. MRI abnormalities of the hippocampus and cavum septi pellucidi in females with schizotypal personality disorder.
Schizophr Res. 2007 Jan;89(1-3):49-58. Epub 2006 Oct 5. [PMID: 17027236]
Nestor PG, Kubicki M, Kuroki N, Gurrera, RJ, Niznikiewicz M, Sheton ME, McCarley RW. Episodic Memory and Neuroimaging in Hippocampus and Fornix in Chronic Schizphrenia.
Psychiatry Res. 2007 May 15;155(1):21-8. [PMID: 17395435]
McCoy JG, Tartar JL, Bebis AC, Ward CP, McKenna JT, Baxter MG, McGaughy J, McCarley RW, Strecker RE. Experimental sleep fragmentation impairs attentional set-shifting in rats.
SLEEP 2007;30(1):52-60. [PMID: 17310865]
Nakamura M, Salisbury D. F, Hirayasu Y, Bouix S, Pohl K. M, Yoshida T, Koo M. S, Shenton M. E, and McCarley R. W. Neocortical gray matter volume in first episode schizophrenia and first episode affective psychosis: a cross-sectional and longitudinal MRI study.
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Nakamura M, Nestor PG, McCarley RW, Levitt JJ, Hsu L, Kawashima T, et al. Altered orbitofrontal sulcogyral pattern in schizophrenia.
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McKenna JT, Tartar JL, Ward CP, Thakkar MM, Ling L, McGuire M, White D, McCarley RW, and Strecker RE. Sleep fragmentation elevates behavioral, electrographic and neurochemical measures of sleepiness.
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Min-seong Koo, Chandlee C. Kickey, Hae-Jeong Park, Marek Kubicki, Na Young Ji, Sylvain Bouix, Kilian M. Pohl, james J. Levitt, Motoaki Nakamura, Martha E. Shenton, Robert W. McCarley, Smaller Neocortical Gray Matter and Larger Sulcal Cerebrospinal Fluid Volumes in Neuroleptic-Naive Women With Schizotypal Personality Disorder.
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Strecker R, Basheer R, McKenna JT, McCarley R. Another Chapter in the Adenosine Story.
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Brown RE, Winston S, Basheer R, Thakkar MM, McCarley RW. Electrophysiological characterization of neurons in the dorsolateral pontine REM sleep induction zone of the rat: intrinsic membrane properties and response to carbachol and orexins.
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Koo MS, Levitt JJ, McCarley RW, Seidman LJ, Dickey CC, Niznikiewicz MA, Voglmaier MM, Zamani P, Long KR, Kim SS, Shenton ME. Reduction of caudate nucleus volumes in neuroleptic-naive female subjects with schizotypal personality disorder.
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Noriomi Kuroki, Marek Kubicki, Paul G. Nestor, Dean F. Salisbury, Hae-Jeong Park, James J. Levitt, Sophie Woolston, Melissa Frumin, Margaret Niznikiewicz, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Stephan E. Maier, Robert W. McCarley and Martha E. Shenton. Fornix Integrity and Hippocampal Volume in Male Schizophrenic Patients.
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Thakkar MM, Delgiacco RA, Strecker RE, McCarley RW. Adenosinergic inhibition of basal forebrain wakefulness-active neurons: a simultaneous unit recording and microdialysis study in freely behaving cats.
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Thakkar MM, Winston S, McCarley RW. A1 receptor and adenosinergic homeostatic regulation of sleep-wakefulness: effects of antisense to the A1 receptor in the cholinergic basal forebrain.
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Ito K, Yanagihara M, Imon H, Dauphin L, McCarley RW. Intracellular recordings of pontine medial gigantocellular tegmental field neurons in the naturally sleeping cat: behavioral state-related activity and soma size difference in order of recruitment.
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Basheer R, Arrigoni E, Thatte HS, Greene RW, Ambudkar IS, McCarley RW. Adenosine induces inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-mediated mobilization of intracellular calcium stores in basal forebrain cholinergic neurons.
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Strecker RE, Nalwalk J, Dauphin LJ, Thakkar MM, Chen Y, Ramesh V, Hough LB, McCarley RW. Extracellular histamine levels in the feline preoptic/anterior hypothalamic
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Thakkar MM, Strecker RE, McCarley RW. Phasic but not tonic REM-selective discharge of periaqueductal gray neurons in freely behaving animals: relevance to postulates of GABAergic inhibition of monoaminergic neurons.
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Strecker RE, Thakkar MM, Porkka-Heiskanen T, Dauphin LJ, Bjorkum AA, McCarley RW. Behavioral state-related changes of extracellular serotonin concentration in the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus: a microdialysis study in freely moving animals.
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Basheer R, Halldner L, Alanko L, McCarley RW, Fredholm BB, Porkka-Heiskanen T. Opposite changes in adenosine A1 and A2A receptor mRNA in the rat following sleep deprivation.
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Books and Chapters
Mallick BN, Pandi-Perumal SR, McCarley RW, Morrison AR, Eds., Rapid Eye Movement Sleep:
Regulation and Function. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 2011.
Winterer G, McCarley RW. Electrophysiology of schizophrenia.
In: Weinberger DR and Harrison PJ. ed. Schizophrenia, Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2011: 311-333.
McCarley, RW, Neurobiology of REM sleep.
In: Montagna P, Chokroverty S, ed. Handbook of Clinical Neurology Vol 98 (3rd series), Sleep Disorder Part 1. London: Elsevier B.V., 2011; 151-171.
McKenna JT, Brown RE, McCarley RW. Neuroanatomy and neurobiology of sleep and wakefulness.
In: Winkelman JW and Plante DT (Eds.). Foundations of Psychiatric Sleep Medicine, Cambridge University Press 2010: 13-35.
Basheer R, McKenna JT, McCarley RW. Pharmacology of Sleep: Adenosine.
In: Squire LR, ed, Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Oxford: Academic Press 2009. Volume 7, pp.601-610.
McCarley RW, Neurobiology of Rapid Eye Movement and Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep.
In: Chokroverty, S., ed. Sleep Disorders Medicine, 3rd Edition. Philidelphia: Saunders Elsevier 2009, pp 22-58.
Brown RE, McCarley RW. Neuroanatomical and neurochemical basis of wakefulness and REM sleep systems.
In: Monti JM, Pandi-Perumal SR, Sinton CM, (Eds.). The Neurobiology of Sleep and Wakefulness. Cambridge University Press. 2008; pp 23-58.
Thakkar MM, McCarley RW. Histamine in the control of sleep-wakefulness.
In: Monti JM, Pandi-Perumal SR, Sinton CM, (Eds.). The Neurobiology of Sleep and Wakefulness. Cambridge University Press. 2008; pp 144-178.
McCarley, RW. Sleep, dreams and states of consciousness.
In: Conn, PM, ed. Neuroscience in Medicine, 3rd Edition. New York: Humana/Springer 2008. pp723-746.