Michael Brandon Westover, M.D., Ph.D.

Michael Brandon Westover, M.D.,Ph.D.

Harvard Title

Associate Professor of Neurology

Other Affiliation

Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital


Massachusetts General Hospital
Neurology WACC 735
55 Fruit St
Boston MA 02114

Publications View
CoVA: An Acuity Score for Outpatient Screening that Predicts COVID-19 Prognosis.
Authors: Sun H, Jain A, Leone MJ, Alabsi HS, Brenner LN, Ye E, Ge W, Shao YP, Boutros CL, Wang R, Tesh RA, Magdamo C, Collens SI, Ganglberger W, Bassett IV, Meigs JB, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Li MD, Chu JT, Dougan ML, Stratton LW, Rosand J, Fischl B, Das S, Mukerji SS, Robbins GK, Westover MB.
J Infect Dis
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Association of epileptiform abnormalities and seizures in Alzheimer disease.
Authors: Lam AD, Sarkis RA, Pellerin KR, Jing J, Dworetzky BA, Hoch DB, Jacobs CS, Lee JW, Weisholtz DS, Zepeda R, Westover MB, Cole AJ, Cash SS.
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Algorithm for automatic detection of self-similarity and prediction of residual central respiratory events during CPAP.
Authors: Oppersma E, Ganglberger W, Sun H, Thomas RJ, Westover MB.
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Diagnostic Value of Electroencephalography with Ten Electrodes in Critically Ill Patients.
Authors: Westover MB, Gururangan K, Markert MS, Blond BN, Lai S, Benard S, Bickel S, Hirsch LJ, Parvizi J.
Neurocrit Care
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Burst Suppression: Causes and Effects on Mortality in Critical Illness.
Authors: Hogan J, Sun H, Aboul Nour H, Jing J, Tabaeizadeh M, Shoukat M, Javed F, Kassa S, Edhi MM, Bordbar E, Gallagher J, Junior VM, Ghanta M, Shao YP, Akeju O, Cole AJ, Rosenthal ES, Zafar S, Westover MB.
Neurocrit Care
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Persistent abnormalities in Rolandic thalamocortical white matter circuits in childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes.
Authors: Thorn EL, Ostrowski LM, Chinappen DM, Jing J, Westover MB, Stufflebeam SM, Kramer MA, Chu CJ.
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Evaluating the Clinical Impact of Rapid Response Electroencephalography: The DECIDE Multicenter Prospective Observational Clinical Study.
Authors: Vespa PM, Olson DM, John S, Hobbs KS, Gururangan K, Nie K, Desai MJ, Markert M, Parvizi J, Bleck TP, Hirsch LJ, Westover MB.
Crit Care Med
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A Theoretical Paradigm for Evaluating Risk-Benefit of Status Epilepticus Treatment.
Authors: Amorim E, McGraw CM, Westover MB.
J Clin Neurophysiol
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Association of Red Blood Cell Distribution Width With Mortality Risk in Hospitalized Adults With SARS-CoV-2 Infection.
Authors: Foy BH, Carlson JCT, Reinertsen E, Padros I Valls R, Pallares Lopez R, Palanques-Tost E, Mow C, Westover MB, Aguirre AD, Higgins JM.
JAMA Netw Open
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Association of Sleep Electroencephalography-Based Brain Age Index With Dementia.
Authors: Ye E, Sun H, Leone MJ, Paixao L, Thomas RJ, Lam AD, Westover MB.
JAMA Netw Open
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