Harvard Title
Professor of Psychiatry
Administrative and Hospital Titles
Director, Center for Sleep and Cognition, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Other Affiliation
Department of Psychiatry, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Center for Sleep and Cognition
330 Brookline Avenue/FD-861
Boston, MA 02215
Publications View
Sleep quality deteriorates over a binge--abstinence cycle in chronic smoked cocaine users.
Authors: Pace-Schott EF, Stickgold R, Muzur A, Wigren PE, Ward AS, Hart CL, Clarke D, Morgan A, Hobson JA.
Psychopharmacology (Berl)
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Psychopharmacology (Berl)
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It's practice, with sleep, that makes perfect: implications of sleep-dependent learning and plasticity for skill performance.
A "Jekyll and Hyde" within: aggressive versus friendly interactions in REM and non-REM dreams.
Authors: McNamara P, McLaren D, Smith D, Brown A, Stickgold R.
Psychol Sci
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Psychol Sci
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Sleep-dependent motor memory plasticity in the human brain.
Authors: Walker MP, Stickgold R, Alsop D, Gaab N, Schlaug G.
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Cognitive performance by humans during a smoked cocaine binge-abstinence cycle.
Authors: Pace-Schott EF, Stickgold R, Muzur A, Wigren PE, Ward AS, Hart CL, Walker M, Edgar C, Hobson JA.
Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse
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Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse
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A failure of sleep-dependent procedural learning in chronic, medicated schizophrenia.
Authors: Manoach DS, Cain MS, Vangel MG, Khurana A, Goff DC, Stickgold R.
Biol Psychiatry
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Biol Psychiatry
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Dissecting sleep-dependent learning and memory consolidation. Comment on Schabus M et al. Sleep spindles and their significance for declarative memory consolidation. Sleep 2004;27(8):1479-85.
Sleep-dependent learning and motor-skill complexity.
Posttraining sleep enhances automaticity in perceptual discrimination.
Sleep-dependent learning and memory consolidation.