Dr. Ronald Kessler

Ronald Kessler, Ph.D.

McNeil Family Professor of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Harvard Title

McNeil Family Professor of Health Care Policy


Harvard Medical School
Dept of Health Care Policy
180 Longwood Ave  
Boston MA 02115

Publications View
Associations of Lifetime Traumatic Brain Injury Characteristics With Prospective Suicide Attempt Among Deployed US Army Soldiers.
Authors: Campbell-Sills L, Stein MB, Liu H, Agtarap S, Heeringa SG, Nock MK, Ursano RJ, Kessler RC.
J Head Trauma Rehabil
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The Association of Lifetime and Deployment-Acquired Traumatic Brain Injury With Postdeployment Binge and Heavy Drinking.
Authors: Adams RS, Campbell-Sills L, Stein MB, Sun X, Larson MJ, Kessler RC, Ursano RJ, Jain S, Corrigan JD.
J Head Trauma Rehabil
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Barriers to Mental Health Service Use and Predictors of Treatment Drop Out: Racial/Ethnic Variation in a Population-Based Study.
Authors: Green JG, McLaughlin KA, Fillbrunn M, Fukuda M, Jackson JS, Kessler RC, Sadikova E, Sampson NA, Vilsaint C, Williams DR, Cruz-Gonzalez M, Alegría M.
Adm Policy Ment Health
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The Authors Respond.
Authors: VanderWeele TJ, van der Laan MJ, Kessler RC.
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Corrigendum to "The epidemiology of alcohol use disorders cross-nationally: Findings from the World Mental Health Surveys" [Addict. Behav. 102 (2020) 106128].
Authors: Glantz MD, Bharat C, Degenhardt L, Sampson NA, Scott KM, Lim CCW, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Andrade LH, Cardoso G, De Girolamo G, Gureje O, He Y, Hinkov H, Karam EG, Karam G, Kovess-Masfety V, Lasebikan V, Lee S, Levinson D, McGrath J, Medina-Mora ME, Mihaescu-Pintia C, Mneimneh Z, Moskalewicz J, Navarro-Mateu F, Posada-Villa J, Rapsey C, Stagnaro JC, Tachimori H, Have MT, Tintle N, Torres Y, Williams DR, Ziv Y, Kessler RC.
Addict Behav
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Prevention of eating disorders at universities: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Authors: Harrer M, Adam SH, Messner EM, Baumeister H, Cuijpers P, Bruffaerts R, Auerbach RP, Kessler RC, Jacobi C, Taylor CB, Ebert DD.
Int J Eat Disord
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Genome-wide association study of shared liability to anxiety disorders in Army STARRS.
Authors: Hettema JM, Verhulst B, Chatzinakos C, Bacanu SA, Chen CY, Ursano RJ, Kessler RC, Gelernter J, Smoller JW, He F, Jain S, Stein MB.
Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet
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Findings From World Mental Health Surveys of the Perceived Helpfulness of Treatment for Patients With Major Depressive Disorder.
Authors: Harris MG, Kazdin AE, Chiu WT, Sampson NA, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Altwaijri Y, Andrade LH, Cardoso G, Cía A, Florescu S, Gureje O, Hu C, Karam EG, Karam G, Mneimneh Z, Navarro-Mateu F, Oladeji BD, O'Neill S, Scott K, Slade T, Torres Y, Vigo D, Wojtyniak B, Zarkov Z, Ziv Y, Kessler RC.
JAMA Psychiatry
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The Authors Respond.
Authors: VanderWeele TJ, Luedtke AR, van der Laan MJ, Kessler RC.
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Association between Mental Disorders and Subsequent Medical Conditions.
Authors: Momen NC, Plana-Ripoll O, Agerbo E, Benros ME, Børglum AD, Christensen MK, Dalsgaard S, Degenhardt L, de Jonge P, Debost JPG, Fenger-Grøn M, Gunn JM, Iburg KM, Kessing LV, Kessler RC, Laursen TM, Lim CCW, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Musliner KL, Nordentoft M, Pedersen CB, Petersen LV, Ribe AR, Roest AM, Saha S, Schork AJ, Scott KM, Sievert C, Sørensen HJ, Stedman TJ, Vestergaard M, Vilhjalmsson B, Werge T, Weye N, Whiteford HA, Prior A, McGrath JJ.
N Engl J Med
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