Dr. Stefanos Kales

Stefanos N. Kales, M.D.

Professor of Medicine, Cambridge Health Alliance
Professor in the Department of Environmental Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Harvard Title

Professor in the Department of Environmental Health
Professor of Medicine

Administrative and Hospital Titles

Chief of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and Medical Director for Employee Health and Industrial Medicine, Department of Medicine, Cambridge Health Alliance
Director of the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Residency, Department of Environmental Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Other Affiliations

HSPH Cardiovascular Epidemiology Program


Cambridge Hospital
Occupational Health
1493 Cambridge St
Cambridge MA 02139

Publications View
Screening for obstructive sleep apnea during commercial driver medical examinations.
Authors: Parks P, Durand G, Tsismenakis AJ, Vela-Bueno A, Kales S.
J Occup Environ Med
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Blood pressure in firefighters, police officers, and other emergency responders.
Authors: Kales SN, Tsismenakis AJ, Zhang C, Soteriades ES.
Am J Hypertens
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Lead, mercury, and arsenic in US- and Indian-manufactured Ayurvedic medicines sold via the Internet.
Authors: Saper RB, Phillips RS, Sehgal A, Khouri N, Davis RB, Paquin J, Thuppil V, Kales SN.
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Obesity and risk of job disability in male firefighters.
Authors: Soteriades ES, Hauser R, Kawachi I, Christiani DC, Kales SN.
Occup Med (Lond)
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Predictors of on-duty coronary events in male firefighters in the United States.
Authors: Geibe JR, Holder J, Peeples L, Kinney AM, Burress JW, Kales SN.
Am J Cardiol
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Lead encephalopathy due to traditional medicines.
Authors: Karri SK, Saper RB, Kales SN.
Curr Drug Saf
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Grand rounds: asbestos-related pericarditis in a boiler operator.
Authors: Abejie BA, Chung EH, Nesto RW, Kales SN.
Environ Health Perspect
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Hematopoietic toxicity from lead-containing Ayurvedic medications.
Authors: Kales SN, Christophi CA, Saper RB.
Med Sci Monit
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Emergency duties and deaths from heart disease among firefighters in the United States.
Authors: Kales SN, Soteriades ES, Christophi CA, Christiani DC.
N Engl J Med
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Seasonality and coronary heart disease deaths in United States firefighters.
Authors: Mbanu I, Wellenius GA, Mittleman MA, Peeples L, Stallings LA, Kales SN.
Chronobiol Int
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