Dr. Stefanos Kales

Stefanos N. Kales, M.D.

Professor of Medicine, Cambridge Health Alliance
Professor in the Department of Environmental Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Harvard Title

Professor in the Department of Environmental Health
Professor of Medicine

Administrative and Hospital Titles

Chief of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and Medical Director for Employee Health and Industrial Medicine, Department of Medicine, Cambridge Health Alliance
Director of the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Residency, Department of Environmental Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Other Affiliations

HSPH Cardiovascular Epidemiology Program


Cambridge Hospital
Occupational Health
1493 Cambridge St
Cambridge MA 02139

Publications View
Recruit Fitness as a Predictor of Police Academy Graduation.
Authors: Shusko M, Benedetti L, Korre M, Eshleman EJ, Farioli A, Christophi CA, Kales SN.
Occup Med (Lond)
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Rationale and design of feeding America's bravest: Mediterranean diet-based intervention to change firefighters' eating habits and improve cardiovascular risk profiles.
Authors: Sotos-Prieto M, Cash SB, Christophi CA, Folta S, Moffatt S, Muegge C, Korre M, Mozaffarian D, Kales SN.
Contemp Clin Trials
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Firefighting and the Heart: Implications for Prevention.
Authors: Kales SN, Smith DL.
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Multiple Conditions Increase Preventable Crash Risks Among Truck Drivers in a Cohort Study.
Authors: Thiese MS, Hanowski RJ, Kales SN, Porter RJ, Moffitt G, Hu N, Hegmann KT.
J Occup Environ Med
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Survival Mediterranean Style: Lifestyle Changes to Improve the Health of the US Fire Service.
Authors: Korre M, Sotos-Prieto M, Kales SN.
Front Public Health
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Agreement between BMI and body fat obesity definitions in a physically active population.
Authors: Porto LG, Nogueira RM, Nogueira EC, Molina GE, Farioli A, Junqueira LF, Kales SN.
Arch Endocrinol Metab
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Effect of Body Mass Index on Left Ventricular Mass in Career Male Firefighters.
Authors: Korre M, Porto LG, Farioli A, Yang J, Christiani DC, Christophi CA, Lombardi DA, Kovacs RJ, Mastouri R, Abbasi S, Steigner M, Moffatt S, Smith D, Kales SN.
Am J Cardiol
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Cardiovascular Strain of Firefighting and the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Events.
Authors: Smith DL, DeBlois JP, Kales SN, Horn GP.
Exerc Sport Sci Rev
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Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Work Accidents: Time for Action.
Authors: Kales SN, Czeisler CA.
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Nonadherence with Employer-Mandated Sleep Apnea Treatment and Increased Risk of Serious Truck Crashes.
Authors: Burks SV, Anderson JE, Bombyk M, Haider R, Ganzhorn D, Jiao X, Lewis C, Lexvold A, Liu H, Ning J, Toll A, Hickman JS, Mabry E, Berger M, Malhotra A, Czeisler CA, Kales SN.
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