
Ursula Kaiser, M.D.

Professor of Medicine
Harvard Title

Professor of Medicine


Brigham and Women's Hospital
Endocrine RFB 296
221 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115

Publications View
Synergy between activin A and gonadotropin-releasing hormone in transcriptional activation of the rat follicle-stimulating hormone-beta gene.
Authors: Gregory SJ, Lacza CT, Detz AA, Xu S, Petrillo LA, Kaiser UB.
Mol Endocrinol
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Regulation of gonadotropins by inhibin and activin.
Authors: Gregory SJ, Kaiser UB.
Semin Reprod Med
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GNRHR mutations in a woman with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism highlight the differential sensitivity of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone to gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
Authors: Meysing AU, Kanasaki H, Bedecarrats GY, Acierno JS, Conn PM, Martin KA, Seminara SB, Hall JE, Crowley WF, Kaiser UB.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab
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Essential role of the homeodomain for pituitary homeobox 1 activation of mouse gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor gene expression through interactions with c-Jun and DNA.
Authors: Jeong KH, Chin WW, Kaiser UB.
Mol Cell Biol
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The GPR54 gene as a regulator of puberty.
Authors: Seminara SB, Messager S, Chatzidaki EE, Thresher RR, Acierno JS, Shagoury JK, Bo-Abbas Y, Kuohung W, Schwinof KM, Hendrick AG, Zahn D, Dixon J, Kaiser UB, Slaugenhaupt SA, Gusella JF, O'Rahilly S, Carlton MB, Crowley WF, Aparicio SA, Colledge WH.
N Engl J Med
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The pathogenesis of the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
Authors: Kaiser UB.
N Engl J Med
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Regulation of gonadotropin gene expression by Mullerian inhibiting substance.
Authors: Bédécarrats GY, O'Neill FH, Norwitz ER, Kaiser UB, Teixeira J.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Four naturally occurring mutations in the human GnRH receptor affect ligand binding and receptor function.
Authors: Bédécarrats GY, Linher KD, Janovick JA, Beranova M, Kada F, Seminara SB, Michael Conn P, Kaiser UB.
Mol Cell Endocrinol
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Differential regulation of gonadotropin subunit gene promoter activity by pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in perifused L beta T2 cells: role of GnRH receptor concentration.
Authors: Bédécarrats GY, Kaiser UB.
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Two common naturally occurring mutations in the human gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor have differential effects on gonadotropin gene expression and on GnRH-mediated signal transduction.
Authors: Bedecarrats GY, Linher KD, Kaiser UB.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab
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