
Ursula Kaiser, M.D.

Professor of Medicine
Harvard Title

Professor of Medicine


Brigham and Women's Hospital
Endocrine RFB 296
221 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115

Publications View
Sex and Gender Differences Research Design for Basic, Clinical, and Population Studies: Essentials for Investigators.
Authors: Rich-Edwards JW, Kaiser UB, Chen GL, Manson JE, Goldstein JM.
Endocr Rev
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PACAP neurons in the ventral premammillary nucleus regulate reproductive function in the female mouse.
Authors: Ross RA, Leon S, Madara JC, Schafer D, Fergani C, Maguire CA, Verstegen AM, Brengle E, Kong D, Herbison AE, Kaiser UB, Lowell BB, Navarro VM.
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S-Nitrosoglutathione Reductase (GSNOR) Deficiency Results in Secondary Hypogonadism.
Authors: Masterson TA, Arora H, Kulandavelu S, Carroll RS, Kaiser UB, Gultekin SH, Hare JM, Ramasamy R.
J Sex Med
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Endocrine dysfunction induced by immune checkpoint inhibitors: Practical recommendations for diagnosis and clinical management.
Authors: Barroso-Sousa R, Ott PA, Hodi FS, Kaiser UB, Tolaney SM, Min L.
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Gonadotropin regulation by pulsatile GnRH: Signaling and gene expression.
Authors: Stamatiades GA, Kaiser UB.
Mol Cell Endocrinol
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Central Precocious Puberty Caused by a Heterozygous Deletion in the MKRN3 Promoter Region.
Authors: Macedo DB, França MM, Montenegro LR, Cunha-Silva M, Best DS, Abreu AP, Kaiser UB, Mendonca BB, Jorge AAL, Brito VN, Latronico AC.
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[What does pain intensity mean from the patient perspective? : A qualitative study on the patient perspective of pain intensity as an outcome parameter in treatment evaluation and on the interpretability of pain intensity measurements].
Authors: Neustadt K, Deckert S, Kopkow C, Preißler A, Bosse B, Funke C, Jacobi L, Mattenklodt P, Nagel B, Seidel P, Sittl R, Steffen E, Sabatowski R, Schmitt J, Kaiser U.
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Pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone therapy is associated with earlier spermatogenesis compared to combined gonadotropin therapy in patients with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.
Authors: Mao JF, Liu ZX, Nie M, Wang X, Xu HL, Huang BK, Zheng JJ, Min L, Kaiser UB, Wu XY.
Asian J Androl
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Characterization of Thyroid Disorders in Patients Receiving Immune Checkpoint Inhibition Therapy.
Authors: Lee H, Hodi FS, Giobbie-Hurder A, Ott PA, Buchbinder EI, Haq R, Tolaney S, Barroso-Sousa R, Zhang K, Donahue H, Davis M, Gargano ME, Kelley KM, Carroll RS, Kaiser UB, Min L.
Cancer Immunol Res
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Altered circadian feeding behavior and improvement of metabolic syndrome in obese Tac1-deficient mice.
Authors: Maguire CA, León S, Carroll RS, Kaiser UB, Navarro VM.
Int J Obes (Lond)
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