Dr. Aristidis Veves Photo

Aristidis Veves, D.Sc., M.D.

Harvard Title

Rongxiang Xu, MD Professor of Surgery in the Field of Regenerative Therapeutics

Other Affiliation

Department of Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center


Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr
321A Palmer Bldg - West Campus
One Deaconess Rd  
Boston MA 02215

Publications View
Water-powered, electronics-free dressings that electrically stimulate wounds for rapid wound closure.
Authors: Kaveti R, Jakus MA, Chen H, Jain B, Kennedy DG, Caso EA, Mishra N, Sharma N, Uzunoglu BE, Han WB, Jang TM, Hwang SW, Theocharidis G, Sumpio BJ, Veves A, Sia SK, Bandodkar AJ.
Sci Adv
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Adhesive anti-fibrotic interfaces on diverse organs.
Authors: Wu J, Deng J, Theocharidis G, Sarrafian TL, Griffiths LG, Bronson RT, Veves A, Chen J, Yuk H, Zhao X.
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Effects of Age and Sex on Systemic Inflammation and Cardiometabolic Function in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes.
Authors: Dushay J, Rickers ES, Wang E, Gilman J, Zhang Y, Blankstein R, Gervino EV, Jerosch-Herold M, Veves A.
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Use of Therapeutic RNAs to Accelerate Wound Healing in Diabetic Rabbit Wounds.
Authors: Sumpio BJ, Dallas A, Berger AG, Li Z, Wang E, Mezghani I, Contreras M, Theocharidis G, Ilves H, Hammond PT, Johnston BH, Veves A.
Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle)
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Use of Serum Protein Measurements as Biomarkers that Can Predict the Outcome of Diabetic Foot Ulceration.
Authors: Theocharidis G, Sumpio B, Wang E, Mezghani I, Giurini JM, Kalavros N, Valsami EA, Vlachos I, Heydarpour M, Veves A.
Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle)
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A Miniaturized, Battery-Free, Wireless Wound Monitor That Predicts Wound Closure Rate Early.
Authors: Garland NT, Song JW, Ma T, Kim YJ, Vázquez-Guardado A, Hashkavayi AB, Ganeshan SK, Sharma N, Ryu H, Lee MK, Sumpio B, Jakus MA, Forsberg V, Kaveti R, Sia SK, Veves A, Rogers JA, Ameer GA, Bandodkar AJ.
Adv Healthc Mater
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Greater foreign-body responses to big implants.
Authors: Theocharidis G, Veves A.
Nat Biomed Eng
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Protocol for xenotransplantation of human skin and streptozotocin diabetes induction in immunodeficient mice to study impaired wound healing.
Authors: Li Z, Sumpio B, Wang E, Contreras M, Mezghani I, Theocharidis G, Veves A.
STAR Protoc
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Use of hyperspectral imaging to predict healing of diabetic foot ulceration.
Authors: Kounas K, Dinh T, Riemer K, Rosenblum BI, Veves A, Giurini JM.
Wound Repair Regen
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Experimental treatments in clinical trials for diabetic foot ulcers: wound healers in the pipeline.
Authors: Sumpio BJ, Mezghani I, Wang E, Li Z, Valsami EA, Theocharidis G, Veves A.
Expert Opin Investig Drugs
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