The Takeaway
OSA is a treatable condition and effective treatment of OSA improves quality of life, improves physical and psychological health, and reduces costs and dangers to society.
Better Sleep

Effective treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) improves or even eliminates daytime sleepiness, as sleep quality improves. Getting a good night's sleep, often for the first time in years, can lead to significant improvements in other aspects of a person's life, including psychological health and happiness.
Better Quality of Life
Treatment of OSA can lead to a reduction in snoring, which benefits the person with OSA as well as his or her bed partner. Improved sleep leads to an improved quality of life, as treatment reduces OSA-related symptoms.
Better Health
Effective treatment of OSA reduces cardiovascular risk. In one study, users of CPAP had the same cardiovascular and mortality risk as people without OSA. In contrast, those with OSA who were not treated with CPAP had a marked increase in risk (see Health Consequences). Treatment of OSA can also result in better control or resolution of hypertension. Treating OSA may have positive effects on diabetes control, as well.
Better for Society
As OSA treatment reduces the risks of other health problems, the rate of hospitalization and healthcare costs are substantially reduced after treatment. In addition, people with OSA are up to ten times more likely to have a motor vehicle accident (see Personal & Societal Consequences). Successful treatment of OSA is of benefit to all.
Dr. Geoffrey S. Gilmartin discusses how treatment for
sleep apnea improves the lives of patients' bed
partners or spouses.