Peter Farrell

Peter C. Farrell, Ph.D., D.Sc., A.M.
Director, Founding Chairman
ResMed Inc.

Awarded October 2, 2013 in celebration of the life and work of Peter C. Farrell, Ph.D., D.Sc., A.M., whose strength, determination and force of will enabled him to improve the sleep health of millions of people around the world. His work has focused on the translation of scientific discoveries into practice by making treatment available to patients in need.

As an entrepreneur, Dr. Farrell founded ResMed, Inc. and led the company to global leadership in the screening, treatment and long-term management of sleep disordered breathing. 

As an educator, Dr. Farrell has championed public education about sleep and its disorders.  He chaired the University of New South Wales Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship as well as several faculty advisory boards at University of California, San Diego.

As a scientist, Dr. Farrell catalyzed sleep health product innovation and research that revealed the connection between sleep disorders and other serious illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. 

As a visionary leader, Dr. Farrell chaired the Executive Council of the Harvard Medical School Division of Sleep Medicine, and increased recognition of sleep as being the third pillar of good health, along with diet and exercise.

As a philanthropist, Dr. Farrell has advanced sleep health through his charitable support, including the Peter C. Farrell Professorship of Sleep Medicine at the Harvard Medical School—thereby co-establishing the world’s first endowed professorships in the field in the field of sleep medicine; the first cornerstone gift to the Harvard Medical School Division of Sleep Medicine; and the Harvard Medical School Peter C. Farrell Prize in Sleep Medicine to recognize outstanding lifetime contributors to the field of sleep science and sleep medicine.

The Division of Sleep Medicine is therefore pleased to honor Dr. Farrell for his many contributions to the field with the 2013 Peter C. Farrell Prize in Sleep Medicine.

Harvard Medical School
Division of Sleep Medicine
2013 Peter C. Farrell Prize in Sleep Medicine Recipient

See more information about the 2013 Sleep and Health Benefit Dinner.